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Lancer Spirit Online

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The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

College & Career

LHS's Main Guidance and Future's Lab will be hosting a Career Fair on March 30, 2022, during all lunches.

Main Guidance and Future’s Lab to host a career fair

Alisha Khalil, Online Chief
March 29, 2022

Main Guidance and the Future’s Lab will be hosting a Career Fair tomorrow, Wednesday, March 29, during all lunches.  According to an email sent out by LHS Admin Assistant Michelle Broadhurst, there...

Knowing the right time to leave a job can be hard, but actually quitting is harder. Here are a few steps you can follow to make sure your resignation is professional.

Quitting a job isn’t easy, so make sure you do it right

Courtney Clark, Editor-in-Chief
October 19, 2021

Quitting is a difficult thing to do. Whether you are scared of what your management will think or are fed up with the company, you want to make sure your resignation is professional and a calm transition. The...

Surviving and thriving through the college application process

Surviving and thriving through the college application process

Matt Vogel, Features Editor
May 17, 2021

Any year, applying to college is a terrifying and demanding task. From researching universities, drafting and redrafting essays, and trying your hardest to keep up with schoolwork, the mountain of stress...

Setterland takes a moment to snap a photo before taking his newly built ATV for a ride.

Not sure what career to choose? Let your kid self be your guide.

Chris Setterlund
February 5, 2021

I believe that who you have always been is who you will always be, and you should let that act as a guide for your decisions. I am a senior in high school and like many others, I'm deciding on what I want...

It's Okay to Not Feel Okay

It’s Okay to Not Feel Okay

Hannah Ellis, Opinions Editor
November 13, 2020

With the fall season comes the constant talk surrounding college and future plans. A senior cannot see any adult figure without them asking the dreaded question, “Where are you going to college?” Some...

How to write a college essay

How to write a college essay

Rachel St. Louis, Copy Chief
October 13, 2020

Attention seniors! When it comes to writing the college essay, there are lots of things to keep in mind. Here are a few general tips to keep you (and your masterfully crafted essay) on track! Length ...

Letter to seniors

Letter to seniors

Rachel St. Louis, Copy Chief
October 6, 2020

Class of 2021, It feels very surreal to me to be writing this final letter to you all, especially knowing that we are taking part in our very last year together as a class. I don’t think any of us...

Rescheduled SAT update

Rescheduled SAT update

Rachel St. Louis, Copy Chief
May 29, 2020

Attention Class of 2021! As juniors, we usually take the SAT in the spring, administered by the College Board. Due to COVID-19 and the unfortunate remote learning, this pencil-and-paper school day test...

Attention Seniors: Let the Lancer Spirit know your senior intentions

Attention Seniors: Let the Lancer Spirit know your senior intentions

Tim Gore, Magazine Chief
May 11, 2020

Want to get on the LSO Senior Intentions Map? Want to be featured in the Senior Issue of The Lancer Spirit Magazine? Here's how: The form at the right was sent out by Main Guidance to the Google Classroom...

Students look through college website for virtual Admitted Students Day sign-ups.

Coronavirus changing the way we pick a college

Makenzie Gagne, Bussiness Editor/Manager
April 16, 2020

Seniors across the country have been frantically watching as all their final high school events are being cancelled, but one thing that has really thrown them for a loop is how this pandemic has affected...

Get on the LSO senior intentions map

Kait Bedell, Editor-in-Chief
April 15, 2020

  Military: Damien Gannon — Navy Jessica Popoloski — Army Michael Walsh — Marines Employment: Ryan Allin Robert Bristol Ryan Cullen William Danforth Matthew...

SAT update

SAT update

Rachel St. Louis, Copy Chief
April 15, 2020

Attention juniors and seniors! Due to school closings across the country as an effect of COVID-19, the College Board has decided not to conduct the SAT test originally planned for June 6, 2020. Starting...

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The student news site of Londonderry High School
College & Career