This Sunday, moms everywhere will be receiving breakfast in bed, presents, and never-ending love from their children. Mother’s day is the day where moms can relax, unwind, and spend time with their kids. It’s a day when moms should be honored.
Students and teachers of Lancer Nation shared what they love best about their moms. Read what they had to say below.

Mrs. Mee, social studies teacher
“My mom, Virginia Marguerite Harris Nemensky, left us on May 25th, 2015 at almost 93 years old. The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve realized what a wonderful childhood and adulthood I have been blessed with, even though my mother became a widow in her early 60’s when we lost my dad. She was, very quietly, the rock of the family.
She was more than 100% a wife, mother and grandmother. Did I think about this growing up? NO! My parents were older (and more old fashioned) than all of my friends’ parents (30 when I was born); my parents were stricter and had more rules (and I am the oldest of 3!); my parents had high expectations and expected they would reached. She was energetic (think Energizer bunny), loving (but not mushy), appreciative (of any gesture), kind to all, considerate of everyone else, devoted, resilient, a peace-maker, always thankful and grateful, and a gracious lady who never put herself first.
Fortunately, I can honestly say that my brother, sister, and I, along with our families miss her terribly. But we are also blessed because we all did everything we could for her and we have no regrets. That makes everyday a tiny bit easier.”
Mrs. Juster, English teacher
“I love my mom for instilling in me a love of books, classical music, British television, Nova Scotia and homemade fudge!”
Cam Taranto, senior
“My mom is my biggest supporter, and my best friend. She works tirelessly to keep things running in the house, and she takes care of all of us regardless of how much she has to do. She’s the only person that always manages to keep the family sane and the only one our dog actually likes. She’s a survivor and does everything and anything for her family. I love you mom!”

Kate Ehl, sophomore
“My mom is the best person in the world. She is the world’s most selfless person. She will go way out of her way to help anyone who needs it. She will make me laugh till I cry and she always makes sure I’m as happy as I can be. She is always there to give me advice about anything, I can talk to her about anything and she will help me to the best of her ability. She is loved by all my friends also. When my friends come over they always say “where’s Alyss?” and they are very disappointed if she isn’t there. I hope that when I’m a mom I can be as good of a mom a she is. I love you, Alyss.”
Veronica Fitzgerald, sophomore
“I love my mom because she’s the only person that I know will be there for me through everything. She sacrifices everything for her kids and has the most selfless and purest heart. I’ve never met someone so hardworking in my life. No matter how many times life knocks her down, she always gets back up. She teaches me how to be a lady and to respect myself. Her valuable lessons have made me fight through my battles. My mom is my rock, she keeps me secure. At the end of a bad day I know her arms are wide open for me. My mom keeps me grounded and safe. I couldn’t thank god enough for blessing me with the mom I have today.”
Ms. Simpson, science teacher
“My mom is my best friend and biggest cheerleader.”
Sage Dieffenbach, sophomore
“I love that she supports me no matter what. My mom is the strongest person I’ve ever met and she does so much, she deserves a lot.
Brooke Carrier, sophomore
“I love how brave my mom is. She can overcome any challenge and solve any problem. She genuinely is my hero.”

Mrs. DeWinkeleer, English teacher
“My mom is one of the strongest and kindest people I know. She was also a teacher, so her words and actions have greatly influenced me in my own classroom. “Never judge a student on what other teachers say about them,” she’d say. “Let them start fresh and make their own impression on you.” “If students know you care about them,” she’d say, “they can accomplish anything.” Many of her students would not have passed high school without her patience, kindness and chocolate chip cookies.
What I also love best about my mom is that if something irritating happens (like she spills coke on the clothes she’s wearing to church, for example), she doesn’t get angry or upset, but instead just laughs. Her humor has always helped to make stressful situations a little more bearable. I also admire how she has spent her life helping those in need–from people in her church to those serving in the military. She taught me the value of volunteering her time and her giving from her heart.
I hope I can be half the mom to my kids as my mom has been to me.”
Trevor McInnis, senior
“When it comes to describing my mom, I just don’t know where to begin. Do I start with how strong and compassionate she is, or do I start with her ever growing knowledge on how to throw a party? My mother is the strongest woman I know. She recovered from battles with various illnesses that seemed hopeless. Yet, here she is. Another demonstration of her strength is how much she cares about her family. She’d be willing to put herself in harm’s way if it meant we’d be safe. To compete with her strength is her generosity. I’m thoroughly convinced that my mom is an angel or saint of some kind. Most of my musical equipment was bought by her. She once told me, “I know how dedicated you are to this goal. So I don’t mind investing money for you.” That was when I was helping her with my birthday present, which is my favorite guitar. During Mr. LHS, she bought about $60 worth of tickets to put in my can. She signed her name along with everyone else in my family. Honestly, I could go on with how amazing my mother is, but I’d take up all the space. To conclude this, I’ll give you her name: Angela McInnis.”
Mr. Courtemanche, social studies teacher
“Honestly I really don’t know where I would be without my mom. She is the most dependable person I know. Whenever my kids are sick or have to miss school she comes up and watches them. She helps take care of them, gives them rides to games and practices and always supports all of us. She gives to my kids selflessly and never wanting or needing praise. She is a great mom and an even better grandmother.”

Amanda Venezia, Food Director
“My Mom is the absolute kindest woman I have ever known. She continually inspires me to be as wonderful of a mother as she has always been to me. She is my friend, my confidant, my biggest supporter, but most importantly my home. I love you, Mom!”
Zach Ford, senior
“My mom (mothership) is an outstanding lady. She has made sure to provide what I needed to survive no matter how much we were struggling at the time. She always put me and my brother first before herself and everyone else.”
Madison Martin, senior
“My mother is a goddess. On a daily basis, she has to put up with a husband who thinks he’s a comedian and a daughter who chooses to speak in Sarcasm and Snark instead of English. She is perhaps the most tolerant women on this Earth. She gets swamped with more bad jokes in one week than most people have to deal with in a lifetime and she only responds with the occasional eye roll or mild scolding. Both my parents taught me to think for myself and encouraged the creative and intellectual ambitions of all three of three children.”

Sean Cavanaugh with his mom Donna Cavanaugh.
Sean Cavanaugh, sophomore
“Donna Cavanaugh (better know as Mama Cav) is amazing. She takes care of me, deals with my endless sports, deals with me, and pushes me to do well in school. She strives to be the best mom, and I appreciate that. I also want you to know anything you do for me doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you so much. I love you <3”
Chris Guarino, sophomore
“She is always there for me no matter what and will stop at nothing to show how much she cares about me.”
Layna Holk, senior
“My mom is my best friend. I go to her for anything and everything. She is so wise and insightful and always knows how to fix a problem. She’s crazy but everyone loves her to death from family to friends to the whole town of Londonderry. She’s the Tineka and I’m thankful she is my mom.”
Burge, science teacher
“My Mom was always there for me. She stayed home when I was young and came to all my events, throughout my entire life. She always supported me, challenged me and stood by me in the good and the bad. She was there to discipline and forgive. And most importantly she was a great model of how to love, in the way she loved me, my Dad and the family, and the way she cared for others in the community. I owe a lot to my Mom and the sacrifices she made for me and the high standards she expected me to achieve. Love you Mom!”
Mrs. Wakelin, social studies teacher
“Growing up my mom never got upset over my grades. I remember one time I got a low grade on my report card and I was afraid to show my parents. She asked me to be honest with myself and answer the question “Did you do your best?”. If the answer was “yes” then that was all she could expect of me. Those two things, being honest and trying my best, have always stuck with me. Also, my mom was a big part of why I was able to return to teaching. If she wasn’t there to watch my children, who knows where I would be now.”
Michaela Doyle, sophomore
“I can go to her for anything and she’s always going to be there for me. She’s also the kindest person in the world.”
Taylor Wilder, junior
“I love my mom because she is always there for me and I know I can trust her with anything and everything. I love the relationship I have with her and I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Mrs. Wooding, English teacher
“My “mamma”, Luisa Pidota, is amazing. Even though the polio she contracted at age 2 limited her ability to walk, she never let it slow her down. She inspires me every day to appreciate the beauty in life. Ti voglio bene mamma!”
Emily Lavacchia, junior
“I love my mom because she’s always there for me and supports me.”
Emily Rollins, sophomore
“She’s always there for me. No matter what, I know that she’s going to be by my side. She has supported me through everything. The countless hours of the countless amount of sports I’ve been in since kindergarten. She has never told me that I don’t have the capability to do something. She’s the best.”
Mr. Murphy, science teacher
“Thanks Ma for saving all those pictures of me from the day I was born until last year ( 59 years) . Receiving them this past Christmas was a wonderful surprise.”

Mrs. Giguere, English teacher
“My mom, Mary Ann, has supported me through all of the challenges I have faced, and she has celebrated the many joys in my life as well. She is the most compassionate, generous person I know. A two-time breast cancer survivor, my mom never gave up hope; she taught me how precious life is.”
Drew Lambert, junior
“Thank you mom for teaching me how to not only be a great cook but also a caring and compassionate person that mostly takes pride in everything that I do. The time that we spent together may have had its ups and downs but I’ll never forget our early morning chats and the times where I would run late to school and you’d have to drive me. Thank you mom for teaching me to be strong and how to most importantly be human. Te Quiero para siempre. ”
Alp Okyar, senior
‘’My mom (Anne) always makes sure she takes spectacular care of us. She cooks, she dusts, she makes, she teaches, she destroys, she cares, she comforts, she is cool. And when she’s not, she be working her hardest in the fields of love and sponsorship. Love you, and thank you mama bear for keeping the fort down!”
Litsa Georgopoulos, sophomore
“I love my mom because she loves me unconditionally.”
Sally Clay, Brian Courtemanche's mom
May 13, 2018 at 5:26 pm
I am so pleased to read all of these wonderful comments about all the wonderful moms out there at Londonderry High School.
My son, Brian, was such a joy to raise, always loving and respectful. He is the same role model for his two children, whom we adore. Brian has become the son anyone would be proud to call their own.
Sally Clay