The student news site of Londonderry High School

Photo by Kelly Egan

Katherine Buell, Community Counselor

Photo by Kelly Egan

Katherine Buell has filled the position of the new school to community counselor.

When she saw the open position at LHS, she “jumped” at the opportunity.

“I’ve worked with Londonderry High school in my other [job] positions multiple times, and I love the students here and I know it’s a good atmosphere,” Buell said.

This year, Buell is most looking forward to having “more of a pre-covid life[style].” She is also excited to “help and support more kids.”

“I’m really looking forward to not wearing masks, [and] not social distancing or isolating,” Buell said. “[I want to] be able to help kids by maybe being a voice for somebody who didn’t have a voice.”

In her free time, Buell enjoys music and going to concerts. She also likes baking and being outside. Buell is a wife and a mom of a six and a three-year-old, who “definitely keep [her] busy.”

“I’m really looking forward to the winter and snow so I can teach my little ones how to ski,” Buell said. 

Buell’s goals for this school year revolve around “getting used to the school’s dynamic.”

“[My goal is to] meet as many kids as possible [and] gain the students’ trust,” Buell said. “[I want them to know] they have a trusted adult here to talk to about things that are going on.”

Since Buell has been in the mental health field since 2005, she has words that she hopes will motivate students this year. Her advice revolves around the idea of knowing “it’s okay not to be okay.”

“It’s okay to talk about your feelings and get support, there’s going to be no judgment,” Buell said. “Things are going to get better, it will always get better within time.”

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