“I am thankful that my family has remained healthy so far and hope that continues. Also that none of us needed to escape from our significant other during 24/7 togetherness.”
-Karen Robinson, media production teacher
“I am thankful for every minute of every day that I can help support the amazingly strong and brave Londonderry students. It is an honor and privilege to work with you.”
-Caite Linehan, LHS school psychologist
“I am thankful for Zoom calls with my family in Ohio since I haven’t seen them since February. I am thankful for my children and husband who have kept me laughing throughout this pandemic. Also for my amazing students who have shown so much resilience and independence throughout this difficult time. I will greatly miss seeing each of them in person, but I am excited to see what their smiles look like on our Google Meetings!”
Mary DeWinkeleer, English & journalism teacher
“I am thankful for the resilience of the students during this challenging school year.”
-Matt Leonard, special education teacher
“I’m thankful for my students, who have been so good with masks, social distancing and staying positive, even when missing half of their friends on the other side of the alphabet. It’s been a great fall together.”
-Steve Juster, English teacher
“I am thankful for the time that I was able to spend with my wife before she passed in March. I am also thankful for my family (most of the time) and the friendships here at the school, that make life so much easier.”
-Rebecca Davani, special education teacher
So thankful to have had the start of school with my students in class. Seeing them mask to mask and getting to know them.
-Donna Harmon, family & consumer sciences teacher
“I am thankful for my family, friends and fortune.”
-Julie Manni, special education teacher
“I am thankful for my family who keeps me focused on what truly matters in life. You are my world! I am also thankful for my friends and colleagues at LHS. I look forward to the day when we can all be together, face to face without masks, sharing our daily triumphs and challenges.”
-Susan Wakelin, social studies teacher
“Health, a good turkey dinner and technology – so I can still be with family who are staying far away so we can be safe.”
-Elizabeth Juster, English teacher
“I am thankful for my family and friends”
-Micheal Williams, junior
“This year and all the years I am thankful for my parents. They are the ones that Bend over backwards so that I can live a good life and stay out of trouble.”
-Colby Russel, junior
“Everything I have been given. My family. A roof over my head. Health. My closest friends and them are always there for me like I am for them.”
-Gracie McInnis, senior
“I am thankful for my family and friends who helped me through 2020 and made it fun and enjoyable even though it’s 2020, the worst year ever.”
-Devin Sen, junior
“I am thankful for sports like football and basketball, family, and friends.”
-Joey O’Neil, junior
“I am thankful for my amazing friends and coworkers.”
-Dylan Menslage, junior
“I’m thankful for all the wonderful years Tom Brady gave to New England. I guess my friends and family too.”
-Grady Daron, junior
“I’m thankful for my friends, family, and my girlfriend. This year I’m thankful for the opportunity to go to school even though it didn’t work out.” -Theo Ward, senior
“I am thankful for my amazing family, friends, my dog, and The Lancer Spirit.”
– Isabella McCutcheon, senior
“Family, friends, and good health.”
-Ilana Chasen, junior
“I am extremely thankful for my friends, family, and amazing teachers during this hectic time. With everything being so uncertain these last 8 months, it is nice to have a support system to help me get through it. I am incredibly grateful for everyone in my life.”
-Audrey DeAngelis, junior
“I am thankful for having an amazing family and that everyone is healthy. I’m also very thankful to be having an amazing house to live in and food for me and my family. I am also very thankful that everyone in my family and outside my family is healthy from the virus.”
-Samantha Fortier, sophomore
“The home and environment that I live in.”
-Jeffery Kelly, senior
“Hot apple cider by a fire.”
–Alea Millis, junior
“I’m thankful for all my family and friends.”
-Ryan Killelea, senior
“This year I find myself being so thankful for all of my wonderful friends who make up a beautiful dysfunctional family; the people that make me feel safe and happy.”
-Sophia Norton, senior
“I am thankful for my family and all that we have when so many are struggling. I am thankful for books letting me travel and have adventures when I sometimes feel so dissatisfied with my own. I am grateful for all of the support I have from people around me.”
-Michaela Horan, freshman
“I am thankful for tradition. Traditions bind us together, and give us collective memories and belonging. They keep us grounded, remind us of valuable lessons, and inspire responsibility to ourselves and to one another.”
-Catherine Brown, sophomore
“I am thankful for a lot of things. Life has finally brought me to a good place in my life; after everything I am finally happy.”
-Alexis Lally, senior
“I’m thankful for all of the opportunities I have been given that come with living in a wealthy and safe town.”
-Megan Turner, senior
“I am thankful for the health of my family and friends during these times and for being able to attend school in person for this long. I am also thankful for getting back into my One Direction phase this past year as it has been getting me through these times.”
-Shannon Rauseo, senior
“I am thankful for being healthy and safe, and being able to see my family this coming holiday season.”
-Steven Swiderski, senior
“This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the technology that we have available in 2020. Due to COVID-19, I will not be able to see any of the relatives that I usually have over for the holiday. However, I am extremely grateful that applications like Zoom and FaceTime will allow my family to still spend time together, albeit through a screen. Even though this has been an extremely challenging year, I’m excited to hear the voices of my loved ones and try to find some sense of normalcy in these troubling times.”
-Matt Vogel, senior
“I’m so thankful for my family, friends, and teachers for sticking by my side and being so supportive during this time. It’s nice to know that I have people that care about me by my side.”
-Olivia Windisch, junior
“I am thankful for my wonderful friends who have gotten me through this tough year and have always stuck by my side. I love them dearly.”
-Kathryn Hallee, senior
“My family and friends being safe and responsible during these times.”
-Madi Magee, senior
“This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my family’s health and for being able to work part time. I am also grateful to my teachers for doing they best they can amid all of the changes this school year.”
-Rachel St. Louis, senior
I’m thankful for my friends, family, food, water, a house, a car, living stably, my phone, and my airpods.
-Alisha Khalil, sophomore
“I am thankful for being able to have a small gathering with my family during COVID-19. Things could be very different and we could be in lockdown and not be able to see our family at all.”
-Matt Perron, junior
“I’m thankful for my loving family that supports me through tough times in school and sports.”
-Brian Gould, senior
“Having family and friends in good health.”
-Makenna True, sophomore
“I am thankful for the fact that I live in a state in which COVID-19 hasn’t been as bad as some other places. I don’t feel like I can be infected anywhere I go, and am thankful that I still have the opportunity to leave my house (practicing proper safety precautions, of course) and not be completely quarantined.”
-Josh Truesdale, junior
“Being with my family and for my family being healthy and safe.”
-Aden Khinchuk, senior

“I am thankful that my family and myself are all healthy and are doing the best we can during COVID-19. I’m also thankful for Whiskey, a horse I ride, that rekindled my love for riding. Lastly, as I say every Thanksgiving: Thank god for chicken nuggets.”
-Anna Macpherson, sophomore
“This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my friends, my family, and specifically my health. In the world we are currently living in, being healthy is something you can’t take for granted. I am thankful that my family and I have stayed healthy during these times and I am thankful for everyone who is dedicated towards keeping themselves and everyone else safe from COVID-19.”
-Makenna Lord, junior
“During these hard times with COVID-19, I am thankful for all of my family and friends. I am thankful that we have all done our best to stay safe, and for me, I would not be me without them. Everyday I am thankful that I still have each and every one of them in my life, but for this holiday season I am especially thankful.”
-MacKenzie Santiago, senior
“I’m thankful for my friends, my family, and my home.”
-Michael O’Neil, senior
“My wonderful family.”
-Anna Drabik, senior
“I’m thankful that my loved ones and the people in my life have been able to stay healthy and I’m thankful to the people who sacrifice their lives for this country.”
-Cassie Galarneau, senior
-Devin Ortiz, junior
-Justin Pike, junior
“I am thankful for Harry Styles.”
-Olivia Hamel, junior
“I am thankful for my family and friends. This year has been like no other and it’s been hard to stay happy and keep going, but knowing that I have my family and closest friends by my side at all times is very reassuring.”
-Abby Foley, junior
“I am thankful for my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone who has helped me in the past.”
-Mackenzie Belisle, freshman
“I am thankful for the likelihood that my family and I will survive this pandemic.”
-Aiden Keenan, junior
“I’m thankful for my excellent friends, my loving family, and everyone around me that has helped me or guided me in anyway.”
-Jackson Cox, senior
“I’m thankful for our custodians and cleaning staff who make LHS safe for us everyday by putting themselves at risk.”
-Kaylie Donahue, junior
“I’m thankful that my family is healthy so we can spend the holiday together.”
-Hannah Ellis, senior
“I am thankful for my family being healthy and safe from the COVID-19 pandemic.”
-Aidan Espinal, sophomore
“I’m thankful for all the hard work staff and students have put in this year. This is a difficult and weird year. We are pushing through it. We still had a football game and we had a pep rally. Even now as we are going remote I am thankful that I still get an opportunity to participate in clubs and go to class.”
-Sage Matzker, junior
“I am thankful for being able to see my family and friends.”
-Kaitlyn McHugh, sophomore
“I’m thankful for my family, especially now since my oldest sister just announced her pregnancy.”
-Natalie Karlson, junior
“I’m thankful for the people I have in my life who have been there for me through this rough year, and everyone’s health.”
-Raissa Cabeza, senior
“Really fast internet.”
-Ben House, senior
“I am thankful for my family and having a healthy family. I am also thankful for my new home and friends at Londonderry and I’m thankful to be here doing what I’m doing and still being able to play sports.”
-Nina Covino, sophomore
“I am thankful for my close friends, my teachers and the opportunity to return to school even with COVID-19 risks and restrictions.”
-Sophia Lawyer, sophomore
“For good health and well-being for the people that I love.”
-Olivia Tymowitz, junior
“This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for my family, friends, pets, food, water, and a place to live.”
-Jayme Pason, sophomore
“I’m thankful for those who have supported me through the toughest times of my life.”
-Sophia Brockney, junior
“I’m thankful to have a sister that I can be close with and spend time with.”
-Anthony Genthner, senior
“Being able to spend time with my family.”
-Dan Gear, senior
“Having enough money to eat and be warm, and having both parents and family and dogs, and being at a good school, and my friends and ps4 friends and my coworkers at Hannaford.”
-Damien Fabiano, junior
“I am thankful for my loving friends and family.”
-Megan Standifer, sophomore
“I’m thankful for how easy this year was on me, nothing truly terrible happened. I didn’t have any deaths in the family, I’m still in touch with friends and some relatives, I’m really not in any position to complain about anything since I know how bad many other people have had it. I’m counting my blessings.”
-Matt Solomons, senior
What are you thankful for? Please add what you are thankful for in the comment section below.
Happy Thanksgiving LHS!
Nov 25, 2020 at 2:03 pm
Wow! So much to be thankful for! Thank you Laura!