It’s expected that incoming freshmen will have some adjusting to do since you’re not used to the culture of our high school. However, the problem is you’re not adjusting. Instead, it’s like you are demanding the upperclassmen to adjust to your childish behavior, which we’re not going to do. Your antics and actions frankly just remind us of middle school.
This isn’t all underclassmen, of course. There are plenty of students who are doing the right thing. So to those students, this isn’t for you. And if you see any student exemplifying these behaviors, we do ask that you please call it out because you are definitely not the only one that wants to.
The entitlement the underclassmen have shown is surprising. Of course no freshman class comes into the school perfect. It takes time, and the current seniors certainly had our moments that we are now embarrassed of. All it took was one lecture from the administration after a pep rally and we immediately got our act together. Then, when we were freshmen like you, we made an effort to respect the teachers. We respected the school, and we respected the seniors.
From being rude to teachers to damaging property, the best word to describe the freshman and sophomores this year is disrespectful. It seems like some of you don’t know how to act your age, and at this point we seniors and juniors are over it.
To call your behavior immature would be an understatement. At this point, it is way beyond immaturity and a way larger issue.
After everything the seniors have gone through these past years, we just want to enjoy our last year and not have to deal with the chaos you have been causing. We’ve just gotten back into a more normal schedule and routine and want to enjoy it.
Along with this, underclassmen, you need to wait your turn for upperclassmen privileges, like open campus. You should not be having your parents pick you up to get lunch or walk across the street to go to Leach Library during the school day. You need to respect the system and wait your turn like we did.
At first, your behavior was comical because it was shocking. Now, the shock is over and we are waiting for, well… actually, dreading the next shenanigan to come about.
So for those who need a step-by-step guide on how to act your age, here you go. And to the underclassmen that think these “do’s and don’t’s” seem obvious, this isn’t for you. We’re sure that some of you are just as over the entitlement, immaturity, and ridiculous behavior as we are. And we thank you for exemplifying what Lancer Nation should be.
Respect others.
Simply put: stop harassing teachers and our peers. Not to make assumptions, but we’re pretty sure you all aren’t dogs. However, to be fair it can be hard to tell when you are constantly barking in the halls. It’s not only annoying, but it also makes us pity you since you are so out of touch you don’t know how to behave like a regular high schooler. Everyone knows that rule number one of puppy training is to not bark in public.
Along with the strange behavior from the underclassmen, you also don’t know how to keep your thoughts to yourselves. To be frank, you don’t need to be arguing with the teachers. You aren’t going to win, and it’s not their job to calm you down from your little temper tantrum. And not only the teachers, the upperclassmen shouldn’t have to put up with you yelling at us because there was a slight inconvenience to their day. Do what the rest of us do: roll your eyes and walk away. Don’t shove people out of the way, body-check others or scream at them.
How high school works
Just in case you guys didn’t know, the hallways are for you to walk in, not for you to group around with your friends and stand there. Some of us would actually like to attend our classes so we can graduate, and by standing in halls, we have to complete an obstacle course to get there. It’s not that hard to keep a steady speed and follow the flow of traffic.
Not only are you blocking traffic by standing around, but you’re also making the hallway your own personal playground. We know that you really must miss recess in elementary school, but the hallways aren’t the place for you to be running, yelling, and rolling on carts or chairs. We know that the ramp and second floor are mind blowing, but you need to just calmly walk in the halls like everyone else.
High school is supposed to be hard
Lastly, we get that high school is an adjustment, but it’s been long enough for you to get to know how things are supposed to be. And just so you guys know, high school is meant to be hard. So, when you get your first ‘C’ on a test that you didn’t study for, don’t go crying to your mom. Teachers grade based on what you accomplished, not how well your parents can complain to them.
So, to the freshmen and sophomores who think you are so cool for destroying our relatively peaceful school, you’re not. It’s ridiculous and you need to grow up. We’re done babysitting.