Fall teams are winning in Londonderry, and the boys’ soccer team is no different since they have won their last five games. Led by captains seniors Tim Desmaris, Aidan White, and junior Zach Mantegari, they are looking to continue this winning streak.
Mantegari feels the team has surprised the rest of the league, and said that it’s it’s “great to be the underdogs.”
“The season has started off stronger than anyone in the league has expected,” Mantegari said. “It feels great to play the way we’ve been playing.”

Mantegari believes that the Bedford game was the most “exciting” game they have had so far.
“We [Londonderry] stunned a strong Bedford team at home in front of our whole crowd,” Mantegari said. “No better feeling than that.”
With the team having a good start to their season, Desmarais feels confident 0going into Mac Plaque week.
“The season is going good,” Desmarais said. “We are a solid team that has been working hard together to put the work in to perform on the field.”
Along with Mantegari, Demarais also felt that the win against Bedford was a huge win for the team.
“I would say Bedford was our best game,” Desmarais said. ‘’Although it was cut short due to weather, fans were hyping us up, and we played very well as a team ”
Desmarais also has a personal goal he would like to achieve this year.
“I would love to get three goals by the end of the season,” Desmarais said. “Three is my lucky number along with my jersey number.”
Along with Desmarais and Mantegari, White feels the team has “exceeded expectations.”
“I’m excited to see what else we can accomplish this year,” White said.
White expects next weekend to produce the best game the team has had this year.
“I’m excited for the Mac Plaque game, probably more than any other game this year,” White said.

White believes that the chemistry this team has will lead them to the playoffs and farther.
“We have lots of players returning on varsity so we understand the team and coach more,” White said. “We have started well and don’t plan on slowing down.”