After a good weekend, students are all tired on Monday mornings. Rather than showing up looking exhausted, Alison Chambers is walking through the halls talking and smiling. Let’s see what her stylish outfit looks like today!
Chambers’ first accessory is her New Balances. They are a beige off white

color with a big N in the middle as the logo. Her shoes are perfectly clean and they look great.

Her second piece is Lulu Lemon leggings. They are a black camouflage that match super well with her shoes. What better way to start the week than wearing Lulu Leggings.

To finish off her outfit, she is wearing her field hockey senior shirt. Chambers is number 1 on the varsity field hockey team, and today is showing her love for all the seniors on the team. What a great way to start the week by showing appreciation.
Want to be feature next week on the Lancer Spirit? Stay tuned to see who’s amazing outfits come up next.