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The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

  • January 27Footloose: The Musical 2/13-2/15
  • January 27Penguin Plunge 2/8
The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

From left to right: Frank Thomas, Rae Pizzi, and Joey Cain share a laugh following "The Rain in Spain".

LHS Drama Club’s “My Fair Lady” puts on a “loverly” performance

Makenna True, Editor in Chief
February 22, 2023

The lights have been raised and the curtains have been drawn. The costumes have been hung up and the musicians have packed their instruments away. The hundreds of congratulations flowers sit in vases,...

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The student news site of Londonderry High School