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Lancer Spirit Online

JV boys soccer wins state title for 2nd year in a row

Photo used with permission from Cathy Brown

The most challenging game for JV boys soccer wasn’t the final championship game against Exeter, which the boys won to earn the state title, but rather the quarterfinals game against Concord.

“We had lost to Concord earlier in the season,” junior goalie Eric Brown said, “and they were some of the toughest competition in the league.”

This proved to be true throughout that game.

Until it wasn’t.

The boys were down by one, but towards the end of the game, sophomore Ryan Johnson took a free kick outside the box and was able to set the ball up perfectly for sophomore Zach Deleo to head in the tying goal.

“It was one of those moments where we just couldn’t lose after that,” Lyscars said. “We had to keep pushing forward and not let our team down.”

After that play the Lancer boys held Concord to a tie during the rest of the game and then through overtime, so they were forced to end the match in penalty kicks.

“It was pretty nerve-wracking [being the goalie],” Brown said. “You know your whole team is depending on you to save the shots.”

But Brown prevailed and saved the necessary 2 out of 5 shots, so it came down to Lyscars who was the last one to shoot for the Lancers.

“I was really nervous walking up to the penalty box because the ref said ‘This is the game-winning goal.  If you score, you win.'” Lyscars said. “I just took a deep breath and focused on the placement of where I wanted to put the ball.”

Lyscars focused correctly because he ended up scoring the winning goal.

“I was excited because after that point, we knew no team could get in the way of our championship run,” Lyscars said.

And no one did.


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Mrs. DeWinkeleer
Mrs. DeWinkeleer, Adviser
Mrs. DeWinkeleer (or DeWinks) has been adviser to The Lancer Spirit since 2004 and has been an English teacher since 1999. Her favorite part of being adviser is seeing her students grow as writers and as human beings.

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JV boys soccer wins state title for 2nd year in a row