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The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

  • October 4Rho Kappa Applications Due 10/6
  • October 1Senior messages due 10/18
  • September 30Lancers fight cancer fundraiser until 10/6
  • September 30ALS Walk 10/19
  • September 30Salem Band Show 10/5
  • September 30Picture Retake Day 10/24
  • September 30PSAT Day 10/9
The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

Josh Galluzzo

Josh Galluzzo, Features Editor

Chances are you've heard his obnoxious voice in the halls, but while he's not endlessly blabbering about nothing at all, sophomore Josh Galluzzo edits the features section for the Lancer Spirit. Infuriatingly obsessed with comma rules, big words, and self-deprecating humor, he intends to bring Lancer Nation many more carefully edited and accurate features. Or else.

All content by Josh Galluzzo
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The student news site of Londonderry High School
Josh Galluzzo