Granite State Respect Week is starting this week here at LHS and will be running from Monday, February 13 to Friday, February 17. This week is meant to educate students on healthy relationships and how to notice the signs of teen dating violence.
LHS Wellness teacher Holly Lafore is the woman behind the week-long event and first introduced G.S.R.W. to LHS back in 2019.
“I got an email talking about [Granite State Respect Week] and what it stands for and I was like, ‘oh this sounds cool,!’ so I reached out to Mr. Parent,” Lafore said. “Mrs. Treadway was teaching at the same time and she had asked about it too, so the two of us started it together.”

Lafore has planned activities which seek to empower students to advocate for themselves and speak out against teen dating violence.
Each day of the week will be dedicated to different activities, each of which intend to promote healthy relationships and educate students about the science behind relationships.
Introduction and information regarding Granite State Respect Week
School counselors are available for students to ask questions at the Granite State table during all lunches.
“Change the narrative.” This activity seeks to change how we think and speak in a positive way.
Granite State Respect Week’s Community Education Coordinator Emma Dolan is visiting on Tuesday to answer any questions that students may have regarding the contents of the week’s activities. Dolan will be bringing in several items, including sunglasses and pencils for students.
The planned activity will be educating students regarding Title IX, which covers students’ rights. Also, students will be educated on what teen dating violence looks like and how to report it. LHS’s assistant principals will also be at lunches to answer questions students may have.

Thursday’s planned activity promotes community outreach and building positive relationships. Classes will be given white posters to write positive messages on.
On Friday, Granite State Respect is asking everyone to wear orange to support education against teen dating violence.
With all of the activities throughout the week, there will be many chances for students to show their support for Granite State Respect and learn how to stay safe and conscientious with the advice of the people who are bringing awareness to LHS. Make sure to be there and show your support!